Francis Schaeffer
Francis Schaeffer | |
Nascimento | 30 de janeiro de 1912 Germantown |
Morte | 15 de maio de 1984 (72 anos) Rochester |
Residência | Ollon |
Cidadania | Estados Unidos da América |
Ocupação | teólogo, filósofo, escritor, pastor |
Assinatura | |
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Francis Schaeffer (?) foi um filósofo estadunidense.
[editar]- A maior parte das pinturas da crucifixão hoje, como as de Salvador Dali, por exemplo, não são do Cristo histórico morrendo na cruz. Elas usam o Cristo simbólico para exibir o homem em agonia.
- - Most of the paintings of the crucifixion today, for example, Salvador Dali's, are not of Christ dying on the cross in history. They are using the Christ symbol to exhibit Man in agony.
- - The God who is there: speaking historic Christianity into the twentieth century - página 100, Francis August Schaeffer - Inter-varsity Press, 1968, ISBN 0877847118, 9780877847113 - 191 páginas
- - Most of the paintings of the crucifixion today, for example, Salvador Dali's, are not of Christ dying on the cross in history. They are using the Christ symbol to exhibit Man in agony.
- O conhecimento precede a fé. Isto é crucial para entender a Bíblia. Dizer como um cristão deveria, apenas pela fé, acreditar em Deus com base no conhecimento é verdadeira fé, é algo que causa uma explosão no mundo do século XX.
- - Knowledge precedes faith. This is crucial in understanding the Bible. To say, as a Christian should, that only the faith which believes God on the basis of knowledge is true faith, is to say something which causes an explosion in the 21st world.
- - The God who is there: speaking historic Christianity into the twentieth century - página 142, Francis August Schaeffer - Inter-varsity Press, 1968, ISBN 0877847118, 9780877847113 - 191 páginas
- - Knowledge precedes faith. This is crucial in understanding the Bible. To say, as a Christian should, that only the faith which believes God on the basis of knowledge is true faith, is to say something which causes an explosion in the 21st world.
[editar]- O Cristão é o verdadeiro radical da nossa geração, porque ele se posiciona contra o moderno e monilítico conceito da verdade relativa.
- - The Christian is the real radical of our generation, for he stands against the monolithic, modern concept of truth as relative.
- - Citado em "Jesus the Radical: A Poetic Reflection on the Gospel of Mark": Volume 1 - Página vii, H. C. Kim - iUniverse, 2001, ISBN 0595180280, 9780595180288 - 171 páginas
- - The Christian is the real radical of our generation, for he stands against the monolithic, modern concept of truth as relative.
Sobre Francis Schaeffer
[editar]- Dr. Francis Schaeffer foi o profeta-filósofo do século XX. Ele foi um dos primeiros a reconhecer que as verdadeiras questões neste dia dominado pelo humanismo secular eram Deus, vida, valores morais e liberdade.
- - Francis Schaeffer was the philosopher-prophet of the twentieth century. He was one of the first to recognize that the real issues in this secular humanist dominated day were God, life, moral values and freedom.
- - Tim LaHaye comentando a 30ª edição do livro "The God Who Is There", de Francis A. Schaeffer
- - Francis Schaeffer was the philosopher-prophet of the twentieth century. He was one of the first to recognize that the real issues in this secular humanist dominated day were God, life, moral values and freedom.
- Poucas pessoas merecem a distinção de serem "proféticos". Entre estes poucos, Francis Schaeffer é inquestionavelmente um deles. Virtualmente todo desafio social, moral ou filosófico que encaramos hoje foi ou comentado ou imaginado por ele.
- - Few people deserve the accolade of being 'prophetic.' Among those few, Francis Schaeffer is unquestionably one. Virtually every social, moral or philosophical struggle that we face today was either addressed or envisioned by him.
- - Ravi Zacharias comentando a 30ª edição do livro "The God Who Is There", de Francis A. Schaeffer
- - Few people deserve the accolade of being 'prophetic.' Among those few, Francis Schaeffer is unquestionably one. Virtually every social, moral or philosophical struggle that we face today was either addressed or envisioned by him.
[editar]- Schaeffer, Francis. The God Who Is There, Intervarsity Press
- Schaeffer, Francis. Morte da Razão, Editora Fiel