Charles Spurgeon
(Redirecionado de Charles Haddon Spurgeon)
Charles Spurgeon | |
Nascimento | 19 de junho de 1834 Kelvedon |
Morte | 31 de janeiro de 1892 (57 anos) Menton |
Cidadania | Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda |
Ocupação | pregador, teólogo, autobiógrafo, autor de hinos, escritor, pastor |
Página oficial | | | |
Assinatura | |
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Charles Spurgeon (?) foi um teólogo britânico.
[editar]- "Há pecado até na nossa santidade, há incredulidade na nossa fé; há ódio no nosso próprio amor; há lama da serpente na mais bela flor do nosso jardim."
- - There is sin in our very holiness; there is unbelief in our faith; there is hatred in our very love; there is the slime of the serpent upon the fairest flower of our gard
- - The Metropolitan Gabernacle Pulpit - Página 126, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon - 1863
- - There is sin in our very holiness; there is unbelief in our faith; there is hatred in our very love; there is the slime of the serpent upon the fairest flower of our gard
- "Ouvi falar dos Santos dos Últimos Dias. Prefiro os Santos de todos os Dias!"
- - I have heard of Latter-day Saints, and I do not think much of them : I far more admire Every-day Saints.
- - The Metropolitan Tabernacle pulpit: sermons: Partes 417-428 - Página 302, Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Passmore & Alabaster, 1856
- - I have heard of Latter-day Saints, and I do not think much of them : I far more admire Every-day Saints.
- "Perdoe e esqueça. Quando você enterra um cão raivoso, nunca deixa a cauda dele para fora"
- - Forgive and forget; when you bury a mad dog, don't leave his tail above ground.
- - "The salt-cellars: Being a collection of proverbs, together with homely notes thereon", Charles Haddon Spurgeon - A.C. Armstrong and Son, 1889 - 334 páginas
- - Forgive and forget; when you bury a mad dog, don't leave his tail above ground.
- "Eu pessoalmente acredito que não seja possível pregar a Cristo e Ele crucificado, a menos que estejamos pregando o que hoje é conhecido como Calvinismo. O Calvinismo é apenas um apelido; o Calvinismo é o evangelho e nada mais. "
- - I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is called Calvinism. I have my own ideas, and those I always state boldly. It is a nickname to call it Calvanism: Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else.
- - semão "Christ Crucified", 18.02.1855 in: "Sermons delivered in Exeter Hall, Strand, during the enlargement of New Park Street Chapel, Southmark" - Página 50, Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Alabaster & Passmore, 1855
- - I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is called Calvinism. I have my own ideas, and those I always state boldly. It is a nickname to call it Calvanism: Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else.
- "Para prevenir para sempre a possibilidade de papistas queimarem protestantes, anglicanos enforcarem padres, e puritanos afogarem quacres, que toda forma de união entre Igreja e Estado seja totalmente abolida, e a lembrança da longa maldição seja apagada para sempre."
- - To prevent for ever the possibility of Papists roasting Protestants, Anglicans hanging Romish priests, and Puritans flogging Quakers, let every form of state-churchism be utterly abolished, and the remembrance of the long curse which it has cast upon the world be blotted out for ever.
- - The Inquisition, 1868 The Sword and the Trowel
- - To prevent for ever the possibility of Papists roasting Protestants, Anglicans hanging Romish priests, and Puritans flogging Quakers, let every form of state-churchism be utterly abolished, and the remembrance of the long curse which it has cast upon the world be blotted out for ever.
- "Dez minutos orando são melhores do que um ano murmurando".
- - Ten minutes' praying is better than a year's murmuring.
- - The Metropolitan Tabernacle pulpit: sermons: Partes 429-440, - página 284, Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Passmore & Alabaster, 1856
- - Ten minutes' praying is better than a year's murmuring.
[editar]- "Uma fé pequena leva as almas até o céu, mas uma grande fé traz o céu até as almas"
- - Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul.
- - citado em "Be Hopeful (1 Peter): How to Make the Best of Times Out of Your Worst of Times" - Página 28, Warren W. Wiersbe - David C. Cook, 1982, ISBN 0896937372, 9780896937376 - 155 páginas
- - Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul.
- "Meu povo ora por mim".
- - My people pray for me.
- - Quando perguntado sobre seu sucesso; citado em "C.H. Spurgeon, an interpretative biography" - página 9, John Charles Carlile - The Religious Tract Society and The Kingsgate Press, 1934 - 309 páginas.
- - My people pray for me.