Thomas Young
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Thomas Young (Milverton, Somersetshire, 13 de junho de 1773 – Londres, 10 de maio de 1829) foi um físico, médico e egiptólogo britânico.
- "Um homem de carácter bondoso não irá facilmente provar um prato, no qual haja crueldade misturada. É verdade, ele não infligiu a tortura, os seus sentimentos não o teriam permitido; mas foi possivelmente infligida por sua causa, ou senão, ele deveria ao menos demonstrar a sua desaprovação da cruel arte, abstendo-se estritamente das carnes que tivesse infectado."
- - A man of humane disposition will not easily taste of a dish, in which cruelty has been mingled. It is true, he did not inflict the torture, his feelings would not have permitted him; but it was perhaps inflicted on his account, or if not, he ought to at least shew his disapprobation of the cruel art, by strictly abstaining from the meats it has infected.
- - An Essay on Humanity to Animals (London, 1798), Chapter VI
- - A man of humane disposition will not easily taste of a dish, in which cruelty has been mingled. It is true, he did not inflict the torture, his feelings would not have permitted him; but it was perhaps inflicted on his account, or if not, he ought to at least shew his disapprobation of the cruel art, by strictly abstaining from the meats it has infected.