O Pós-modernismo é um movimento na filosofia e crítica do final do século XX, tipicamente definido pelo ceticismo ou desconfiança de grandes narrativas, ideologias e da racionalidade iluminista.
- Por cerca de duas décadas, tenho feito uma pergunta muito simples aos meus amigos pós-modernos: "Você consegue encontrar algo no pós-modernismo que não seja uma trivialidade disfarçada de polissílabos ou que não seja falso?", e ninguém respondeu ainda.
- - For about a couple of decades I've had a very simple question that I've been posing to my postmodern friends: "Can you find something in postmodernism which is not either a triviality cloaked in polysyllables or is false?", and nobody's answered it yet.
- - Noam Chomsky, em uma entrevista de 2019 (no minuto 34:56)
- - For about a couple of decades I've had a very simple question that I've been posing to my postmodern friends: "Can you find something in postmodernism which is not either a triviality cloaked in polysyllables or is false?", and nobody's answered it yet.
- Se o acusado em um julgamento de assassinato é ou não culpado depende da avaliação de evidências positivistas típicas, se tais evidências estiverem disponíveis. Qualquer leitor inocente que se encontre no banco dos réus fará bem em apelar a elas. São os advogados dos culpados que recorrem às linhas de defesa pós-modernas.
- - Whether the accused in a murder trial is or is not guilty depends on the assessment of old-fashioned positivist evidence, if such evidence is available. Any innocent readers who find themselves in the dock will do well to appeal to it. It is the lawyers for the guilty ones who fall back on postmodern lines of defence.
- - Eric Hobsbawm, On History (1997), p. viii
- - Whether the accused in a murder trial is or is not guilty depends on the assessment of old-fashioned positivist evidence, if such evidence is available. Any innocent readers who find themselves in the dock will do well to appeal to it. It is the lawyers for the guilty ones who fall back on postmodern lines of defence.
- Simplificando ao extremo, defino pós-moderno como incredulidade em relação às metanarrativas.
- - Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity towards metanarratives.
- - Jean-François Lyotard, A condição pós-moderna: um relatório sobre o conhecimento (1979)
- - Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity towards metanarratives.
- Aqueles que dizem que todos os relatos históricos são construções ideológicas (que é uma versão da ideia de que não há realmente nenhuma verdade histórica) confiam em alguma história que deve reivindicar a verdade histórica. Eles mostram que historiadores supostamente "objetivos" contaram tendenciosamente suas histórias de alguma perspectiva particular; eles descrevem, por exemplo, os vieses que foram usados para construir várias histórias dos Estados Unidos. Tal relato, como uma parte particular da história, pode muito bem ser verdadeiro, mas a verdade é uma virtude que é embaraçosamente inútil para um crítico que quer não apenas desmascarar historiadores passados da América, mas nos dizer que no final da linha não há verdade histórica. É notável o quão complacentes algumas histórias "desconstrutivas" são sobre o status da história que elas mesmas implantam.
- - Those who say that all historical accounts are ideological constructs (which is one version of the idea that there is really no historical truth) rely on some story which must itself claim historical truth. They show that supposedly "objective" historians have tendentiously told their stories from some particular perspective; they describe, for example, the biasses that have gone into constructing various histories of the United States. Such an account, as a particular piece of history, may very well be true, but truth is a virtue that is embarrassingly unhelpful to a critic who wants not just to unmask past historians of America but to tell us that at the end of the line there is no historical truth. It is remarkable how complacent some "deconstructive" histories are about the status of the history that they deploy themselves.
- - Bernard Williams, Truth and Truthfulness (2002)
- - Those who say that all historical accounts are ideological constructs (which is one version of the idea that there is really no historical truth) rely on some story which must itself claim historical truth. They show that supposedly "objective" historians have tendentiously told their stories from some particular perspective; they describe, for example, the biasses that have gone into constructing various histories of the United States. Such an account, as a particular piece of history, may very well be true, but truth is a virtue that is embarrassingly unhelpful to a critic who wants not just to unmask past historians of America but to tell us that at the end of the line there is no historical truth. It is remarkable how complacent some "deconstructive" histories are about the status of the history that they deploy themselves.