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- " - What's the last thing a drummer says in a band? "Hey guys, why don't we try one of my songs? - "Dave's Top 10 Drummer Jokes, Q, 1995" auf Grohls Website...841 byte (83 palavras) - 20h35min de 29 de maio de 2024
- if anyone’s ever pointed this out to you before, but you’re the fookin’ drummer in Metallica. Now you fookin’ get on with that and leave the rest of it...7 kB (1 009 palavras) - 02h55min de 1 de julho de 2024
- médio.) There was a weird moment where — I was still a drummer, I always saw myself as a drummer — and we got nominated for a Grammy, that was really crazy...13 kB (2 191 palavras) - 01h41min de 29 de setembro de 2023