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<center>[[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]] </center>
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<center>[[#Famous last words in fiction|Famous last words in fiction]] | [[#Veja também|Veja Também]]</center>
<center>[[Últimas palavras notórias na ficção]] | [[#Veja também|Veja Também]]</center>

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== Famous last words in fiction ==
See also [[Last Words in Shakespeare]]
* "'''Strewth!'''"
** Quem: Mr. Foster, in ''[[Monty Python]]'s'' ''famous deaths'' sketch.

* "'''Rosebud...'''"
** Quem: [[Orson Welles|Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles)]], in ''[[Citizen Kane]]'' ([[w:1941 in film|1941 film]])

* "'''You already have, Luke. You were right, you were right about me. Tell your sister...you...were right.'''"
** Quem: [[Anakin Skywalker]], in ''[[w:Return of the Jedi|Return of the Jedi]]''.

* "'''I'm afraid it'll have to wait. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of this by pretending to be mad. I mean, Quem would've noticed another madman around here?'''"
** Quem: [[Edmund Blackadder]] in episode 6, season 4 of [[Blackadder]]

* "'''If you knew that, you'd be as clever as me.'''"
** Quem: Unnamed character moments before being shot in the Mathew Vaughn film, Layer Cake

* "'''I feel!... cold...'''"
** Quem: Captain Barbossa [Pirates of the Carribean, Jerry Bruckheimer and Gore Verbinski]

* "'''My precious, my precious! O, my precious!'''"
** Quem: [[Gollum]], in [[The Lord of the Rings]]

*"'''I smell... bread.'''"
** Quem: anonymous soldier, in MASH

*"'''Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.'''"
** Quem: [[HAL 9000]], in [[2001: A Space Odyssey]]

*"'''I think.... I feel good about it.'''"
** Quem: [[w:Marvin the Paranoid Android|Marvin the Paranoid Android]] in ''[[w:So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish|So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish]]'', after reading God's Final Message To His Creation

*"'''I won't become a memory.'''"
** Quem: [[Sephiroth]] in ''[[Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children]]''

*"'''The Horror! The Horror!'''"
** Quem: [[Kurtz]] in ''[[The Heart of Darkness]]''

==Veja também==
==Veja também==
:[[Últimas palavras notórias na ficção]]


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Revisão das 01h22min de 17 de agosto de 2006

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Sorted alphabetically by last name (with some monarchs and leaders sorted by their first names, e.g. William the Silent).

Últimas palavras notórias na ficção | Veja Também


  • Ja, maar niet te veel.
    • Tradução: "Sim, mas não muitas"
    • Quem: Gerrit Achterberg, poeta holandês.
    • Nota: Achterberg tinha acabado de estacionar seu carro, quando sua esposa perguntou: "Shall I bake some potatoes?" (Devo assar algumas batatas?) Após responder a questão ele sofreu uma ataque fatal do coração.
  • "Oh, yes; it is the glorious Fourth of July. It is a great day. It is a good day. God bless it. God bless you all. ... Thomas Jefferson..."
    • Tradução "Oh, sim; é um glorioso quatro de Julho. É um grande dia. É um bom dia. Deus o abençoe. Deus abençoe todos vocês. Thomas Jefferson..."
    • Quem: John Adams
    • Nota: Resposta de John Adams à pergunta da sua esposa sobre se sabia que dia era aquele. Thomas Jefferson, cujo nome foi pronunciado após Adams ter perdido e recobrado a consciência, havia morrido poucas horas antes.
  • "This is the last of Earth! I am content."
  • "To the strongest!"
    • Tradução: "O mais forte"
    • Quem: Alexandre, o Grande
    • Nota: Em resposta aos seus generais que perguntaram, quando da sua iminente morte, quem deveria ter o controle do Império. Conta-se que, na verdade, Alexandre teria dito "Krateros", nome de um dos seus generais. Porém os outros, que estavam ao redor teriam preferido ouvir "Kratistos" - o mais forte.
  • "Mè mou tous kuklous taratte" (Μη μου τους κύκλους τάραττε)
    • Tradução: "Não atrapalhe meus círculos"
    • Quem: Arquimedes
    • Em resposta a um soldado Romano que o forçava a se reportar ao general romano, quando da tomada de Siracusa. Arquimedes estava ocupado provando teoremas geométricos no chão. O Soldado o matou.
  • Sei que o carrasco é muito bom, e o meu pescoço é pequeno. A Cristo encomendo a minha alma.


  • "How were the receipts today at Madison Square garden?"
  • "Não consigo dormir."
  • "Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est."
    • Tradução: "Aplaudam, amigos, a comédia acabou"
    • Quem: Ludwig van Beethoven
    • a fómula tradicional usada para finalizar a performance da commedia del arte.
  • "Passi-ho bé, senyor Bernades"
  • "Dêem-me café, vou escrever!"
  • "¿Quién es? ¿Quién es?"
  • "Eu nunca deveria ter trocado de Scotch para Martini."
  • "Now I shall go to sleep. Goodnight"


  • "Et tu, Brute?"
    • Tradução: "Até tu, Brutus?"
    • Quem: Julius Caesar
    • Attributed to him by Shakespeare's famous play; his real last words are unknown, but may have been this, or "tu quoque, mi fili Brute?" ("You too, Brutus my son?") - or in Greek as some think, "Kai su teknon?". Brutus, one of Caesar's assassins, was rumored to have been his bastard son. According to Suetonius, Caesar's last words were Ista quidem vis est! ("This is violence!").
  • "Vivo."
    • Tradução: "Eu vivo!"
    • Quem: Calígula, Imperador romano
  • "The Earth is suffocating... Swear to make them cut me open, so that I won't be buried alive."
  • "I'm bored with it all."
    • Tradução: "Estou chateado com tudo isso."
    • Quem: Winston Churchill, antes de entrar em coma e morrer nove dias depois.
  • "I have tried so hard to do the right."
    • Tradução: "Eu tentei tanto para fazer o que era certo."
    • Quem: Grover Cleveland, presidente norte-americano, morreu em 1908
  • "Obrigado Deus. Eu estou cansado de ser a pessoa mais engraçada na sala."
  • "Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking towards me, without hurrying."
  • "Good morning, Robert."
    • Tradução: " Bom dia, Robert."
    • Quem: Calvin Coolidge, para um carpinteiro trabalahndo em sua casa.
  • "Dammit. . .Don't you dare ask God to help me."
    • Tradução: "Droga...não peça a Deus para me ajudar."
    • Quem: Joan Crawford. Este comentário foi dirigida à sua caseira quando começou a orar em voz alta.
  • "That was a great game of golf, fellers."
    • Quem: Bing Crosby. He was playing the Quemle 18 holes of golf (even when his doctor said to only do nine). 20 minutes after the game, he died of a heart attack.
  • "Why not? After all, it belongs to Him!"
    • Tradução: "Por que não? Afinal, ela (a alma) pertence a Ele
    • Quem: Charlie Chaplin. He said this when one of the people standing near him spoke to him, "May God Bless Your Soul".
  • "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living color, you are going to see another first -- attempted suicide."
    • Quem: 30-year-old anchorwoman Christine Chubbuck, Quem, on July 15, 1974, during technical difficulties during a broadcast, said these words on-air before producing a revolver and shooting herself in the head. She was pronounced dead in hospital fourteen hours later.


  • "I am not the least afraid to die."
  • "That guy's got to stop... He'll see us."
    • Tradução: "Aquele cara tem que parar... Ele vai nos ver."
    • Quem: James Dean
    • Words said before dying in a car accident.
  • "Little Cousins, Called back."
    • Quem: Emily Dickinson. Letter to Louise and Frances Norcross, May 1886.
    • Source: Johnson, Thomas H., ed. Emily Dickinson Selected Letters. Cambridge: Belknap, 1971.
  • "Get these fucking nuns away from me."
    • Tradução: "Levem estas freiras idiotas para longe de mim."
    • Quem: Norman Douglas
  • "Stay back, this could hurt someone."
    • "Afastem-se, isto pode machucar alguém."
    • Quem: R. Budd Dwyer, ex-tesoureiro da Comunidade da Pensilvânia, antes de atirar em si mesmo com um revólver.
  • "I feel pain here."
  • "But how the devil do you think this could harm me?."
    • Quem: Denis Diderot, French encyclopedist, upon being warned by his wife not to eat too much.
  • "Take a step forward lads - it'll be easier that way."


  • "To my friends: My work is done. Why wait?"
    • Tradução: "Aos meus amigos: Meu trabalho está feito. Porque esperar?"
    • Quem: George Eastman, Inventor
  • "It's very beautiful over there."
    • Tradução: "É muito lindo ali."
    • Quem: Thomas Edison
    • Dizem que teria dito estas palavras enquanto olhava para a paisagem pela janela.
  • "I've always loved my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and I've always loved my country. I want to go. God, take me."
    • Tradução: "Eu sempre amei minha esposa, meus filhos, e meus netos, e sempre amei meu país. Eu quero ir. Deus, leve-me"
    • Quem: Dwight D. Eisenhower


  • "Es ist gar nichts... es ist gar nichts..."
    • Tradução: "Não é nada... não é nada..."
    • Quem: Franz Ferdinand Arquiduque da Áustria
    • Sussurrou ao Conde Harrach assim que caiu inconsciente após receber um tiro; ele morreu após isso e nunca recuperou a consciência
  • "The nourishment is palatable."
    • Quem: Former US President Millard Fillmore
    • Notes: This was his response when his physician inquired about his food.
  • "Hey, Jimmie! The Chimney Sweeps. Talk to the Sword. Shut up, you got a big mouth! please come help me up, Henny. Max come over here... French Canadian bean soup...I want to pay, let them leave me alone..."
    • Quem: Arthur Flegenheimer, mobster, also known as Dutch Schultz.
    • Notes: Flegenheimer had been fatally shot by another mobster and taken to the hospital. As cops interrogated him on his deathbed, he gave them long and frequently incoherent answers before finally dying.
  • "How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries'."
    • Quem: James French.
    • Notes: French was sentenced to the electric chair.
  • "This is absurd! This is absurd!" [english Tradução]
    • tradução: "Isso é um absurdo! Isso é um absurdo"


  • "Hey Ram!..."
  • "Mehr Licht."
    • Tradução: "Mais luz."
    • Quem: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    • It is also reported that "Come my little one, and give me your hand." were the last words he declared to his daughter Ottilie.
  • "Bakayaro! Bakayaro!"
    • Tradução: "Filhos-da-mãe estúpidos! Filhos-da-mãe estúpidos!"
    • Quem: Almirante Aritomo Goto, à sua tripulação, 11 de outubro, 1942
  • "Mehr nicht mehr."
  • "Do not worry, Captain. It is all over. I have failed."
    • Quem: Che Guevara.
    • Source: Famous Last Words: A Dictionary of Deathbed Quotations, C. Bernard Ruffin (1995; ISBN 0-7864-0043-9)
    • Other rumored last words:
      • "I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man."
        • Reportedly to Lieutenant Mario Teran, Quem had been selected by lot to be his executioner.
      • "I knew you were going to shoot me; I should never have been taken alive. Tell Fidel that this failure does not mean the end of the revolution, that it will triumph elsewhere. Tell Aleida to forget this, remarry and be happy, and keep the children studying. Ask the soldiers to aim well."
        • Reportedly to Colonel Arnaldo Saucedo Parada, head of intelligence of the Eighth Division.
      • "Don't shoot, I am Che Guevara and I am worth more to you alive than dead."
        • Reportedly during surrender; obviously not his last words.
      • "Apparently, these news are meant to mislead us."
        • These are actually his last written words: They are the last paragraph of che's last writing, "Bolivian Diary", which is the log che kept during the bolivian operations. Che is referring to information that he had about the ambush that the bolivian army had prepared, and during which Che was arrested.


  • "Southerly gales, squalls, lee rail under water, wet bunks, hard tack, bully beef, wish you were here - instead of me!"
    • Quem: Richard Halliburton, last known communication from the Chinese junk Sea Dragon at sea, 23 March 1939
  • "That's good. Read some more."
    • Quem: Warren G. Harding, to his wife, Quem was reading him flattering newspaper accounts.
  • "Lige as luzes - eu não quero ir para casa no escuro."
    • Quem: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter), 5 de junho, 1910
  • "Eu sou Heinrich Himmler."
  • "Não, eu nunca preguei qualquer doutrina de tendência para o mal, e o que ensinei com os meus lábios agora selo com o meu sangue!"
  • "Quando a música acaba, apaguem as luzes.."
    • Quem: Adolf Hitler, antes de cometer suicídio em 1945.
    • Nota: O grupo estadunidense de rock The Doors fez uma música com essa frase.


  • "Tvert imot!"
    • Tradução: "On the contrary!"
    • Tradução: "Pelo contrário!"
    • Quem: Henrik Ibsen
    • Notes: This was his response to a nurse Quem said she thought he looked better than usual.


  • "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees."
    • Trad.: "Vamos cruzar o rio, e descansar à sombra das árvores".
    • Quem: General Stonewall Jackson
  • "Is it the Fourth?" [Doctor Robley Dunglison: "It soon will be."] "I resign my spirit to God, my daughter to my country."
  • "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani?" (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) Mateus 27:46, Marcos 15:34
    • "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Lucas 23:46
    • "Tudo está consumado." João 19:30.
  • Quem: Jesus de Nazaré.

  • "Never by God will that be that a King of Bohemia flees from the battle."
  • "Send Mike immediately!"
    • Quem: Lyndon Johnson, to a Secret Service agent over an in-house telephone
  • "Eu vou com a alegria de um menino que sai pulando da escola. Eu me sinto tão forte em Cristo".
    • Quem: Adoniram Judson, missionário na Birmânia.


  • "Such is life."
    • Tradução: "Assim é a vida"
    • Quem: Ned Kelly
  • "I'll be in Hell before you start breakfast!"
    • Tradução: "Eu estarei no inferno antes do seu café da manhã!"
    • Quem: "Black Jack" Ketchum, famoso ladrão de trens, antes de ser executado; a corda era muito pequena, e sua cabeça foi arrancado pelo nariz.
  • "I should have drunk more Champagne."
  • "Minä elän."
    • Tradução: "Estou vivo." (or equally: "Eu vivo.")
    • Quem: Aleksis Kivi


  • "I wish I was skiing." [Nurse: "Oh, Mr. Laurel, do you ski?"] "No, but I'd rather be skiing than doing what I'm doing."
  • "I think I'm going to make it!"
    • Quem: Richard Loeb, half of the famous murderers Leopold and Loeb; said after being slashed ninety times with a razor by a fellow inmate
  • ["Are you John Lennon?"] "Yes, I am."
  • "Allah, save this country! Pakistan zindabad!"
    • Quem" Liaquat Ali Khan , first Prime Minister of Pakistan, spoke to the nation after being shot.
    • Tradução: "Pakistan zindabad" means "long live Pakistan."


  • [Niece: "What is the matter, Uncle James?"] "Nothing more than a change of mind, my dear. I always talk better lying down."
  • "É assim que o Deus de Israel revela-se a mim dos altos céus!"
    • Quem: Francisco Maldonado, cirurgião judeu morto na Inquisição peruana. Enquanto ele queimava na fogueira, estava ocorrendo uma grande tempestade.
  • "Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!"
    • Tradução: "Vamos, caia fora! Últimas palavras são para tolo que não falaram o bastante!"
    • Quem: Karl Marx, quando o caseiro perguntou quais seriam suas últimas palavras.
  • "It's all been rather lovely."
  • "Durante toda a vida, lembrem-se dos sofrimentos de Jesus"
  • "It tastes bad."
    • Tradução: Tem gosto ruim.
    • Margaret Mitchell, após provar um suco de laranja do hospital.
  • "Shoot me in the chest!"
  • "Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise"
    • Trad.: "Bem, esta é certamente um surpresa agradável".
    • Quem: Andrew Mutton.
  • "If you don't like it, you can just fuck off!"
    • Quem: Keith Moon, to his girlfriend, after requesting that she cook him steak for breakfast.
  • "Don't make a mess of it - shoot straight you bastards."
    • Quem: Harry 'Breaker' Morant
    • Note: Morant was courtmartialed and executed by the British, charged with killing Boer prisoners. To the end he claimed to have been following orders.


  • "Thank God I have done my duty."
    • Quem: British Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson; These are among the very last words Nelson is recorded to have uttered, but his actual last words are lost with no definite record. That Nelson said "Kiss me, Hardy" in his last hours, after being mortally wounded is extensively documented in contemporary accounts, including that of people actually present. That they were not his actual last words is also extensively documented, though not as clearly in many popular accounts, and they have commonly been mistaken as being his last words. (for more on this see: Talk:Horatio Nelson)
  • "Sero. Haec est fides."
    • Tradução: "It is too late. This is fidelity."
    • Quem: Nero, imperador romano.


  • "I am just going out. I may be some time."
    • Quem: Lawrence Oates, on Scott's ill-fated Antarctic expedition, while suffering from frostbite and sheltering from a blizzard, Oates felt he was reducing his companions' chances of survival and he ended his life by leaving the tent.
  • "This isn't Hamlet, you know. It's not meant to go into the bloody ear."
    • Quem: Lawrence Olivier supposedly said this when a nurse, attempting to moisten his lips, mis-aimed.


  • "Deus os perdoará pelo que fizeram"
  • "The only sentiment you'll get out of me is that I wish the Quemle world had one neck and I had my hands wrapped around it."
    • Quem: Carl Panzram, serial killer, shortly before he was executed by hanging.
    • May alternatively be : "Hurry it up you bastard, (or "Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard") I could kill ten men while you're fooling around!"
  • "Eu me admiro muito de ouvir esta sua ordem para adorar uma mulher que, de acordo com a sua própria história, tinha um caráter desprezível e licencioso e era culpada por crimes que sua própria lei agora pune com a morte. Não! Ao invés disso, eu oferecerei ao único e verdadeiro Deus o sacrifício de louvor e oração!"
    • Quem: Pedro, um mártir cristão no ano 251. Foi ordenado-lhe que adorasse a Vênus e se recusou.
  • "Lord help my poor soul."
  • "Me l'aspettavo."
    • Tradução: "Eu esperava isso acontecer"
    • Pino Puglisi, sacerdote italiano atingido por um assassino da máfia.
    • Nota: Dizem que ele sorriu ao seu matador.



  • "Je m'en vais chercher un grand peut-être."
    • Tradução: "I am off in search of the great perhaps."
    • Quem: François Rabelais
    • Variant Tradução: "I am off in search of a great may-be."
  • "I have a terrible headache."
    • Quem: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Quem died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage
    • Note: According to Conrad Black in his biography Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom, page 1110, FDR was sitting for a portrait when he put his left hand to the back of his head and said: "I have a terrific pain in the back of my head." He then was carried to his bed by several people, as they were doing this "he was understood by Laura Delano to say, only semiconsciously, 'Be careful.' These were his last words."
  • "Me mudda did it."


  • "For God's sake look after our people."
    • Quem: Robert Falcon Scott.
    • Note: These were the last words he wrote in his diary, before he froze to death.
  • "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."
    • These were among the final words of General John Sedgwick, Union Commander in the U.S. Civil War, Quem was hit by sniper fire a few minutes after saying them, at the battle of Spotsylvania, on May 9, 1864. They are often portrayed as if they were his absolute final statement, the sentence often being presented as if he did not even finish it, and altered into the form: "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist...". Though this may be a slightly more striking version of events, it simply is not true. Apparently his last words were "All right, my man; go to your place," in response to a soldier telling him that he preferred to duck when being shot at, even from a great distance. - (External link: Death of General John Sedgwick)
  • "Put me back on the bloody bike."
    • Quem: Tom Simpson
    • Note: Tom Simpson was a cyclist Quem died on the Mont Ventoux, probably because of a combination of amphetamines, alcohol and the heat. Some say his last words were "Put me back on my bike."
  • "Oh Lord, my God!"
    • Quem: Joseph Smith, Jr. crying out while being shot by a mob inside his room. Some assert Smith's cry was a Masonic distress call for help as Smith and some of those within the mob which assassinated him were Masons.
  • "Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius. Will you remember to pay the debt?"
    • Quem: Socrates
    • Note: Asclepius was a Greek god of healing (his shrine is on the side of the Acropolis). It seems to many that Socrates considered death to be a relief, and thus was thanking the god for the service of killing him.
  • "¡Carajo, un balazo!"
    • Tradução: "Damn! A bullet!"
    • Quem: Antonio José de Sucre, after being shot while riding his horse in the jungle in Colombia on his way home. He was said to be a fine gentleman Quem had never cursed until that day. According to Ricardo Palma's "Tradiciones en Salsa Verde"


  • "Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you."
    • Quem: Madre Teresa (Sept 5, 1997)
    • Notes: Sister Nirmala Joshi recalled, "Just hours before her death, Mother Teresa spoke about the Little Flower, St. Therese. She has just been declared a ‘Doctor of the Church’ by Pope John Paul II. Her last words are: "Can you imagine, for doing little things with great love, the Church is making her a Doctor, like St. Augustine and the big St. Teresa! It is just like Jesus said in the Gospel to the one Quem was seated in the lowest place: "Friend, come up higher.""
  • "I just had eighteen straight scotches. I think that's the record...After thirty-nine years, this is all I've done."
  • "Mihi vita immerenti eripitur; neque enim extat ullum meum factum paenitendum expecto dumtaxat uno."
    • Tradução: "I deserve not death, but I repent nothing else in my life except for one thing."
    • Quem: Tito Lívio, imperador romano
  • "Ein davar, tov lamut be'ad arzenu"
    • Tradução: "Never mind; it is good to die for our country"
    • Quem: Joseph Trumpeldor (1880-1920)
    • Trumpeldor was a soldier and early pioneer/settler in Israel, he died defending the Tel-Hai settlment from an Arab attack.
    • Notes: Modern Israeli jocular rumor claims Trumpeldor's true last words were merely a juicy Russian curse.



  • "I'm fukcin"
  • "All right then, I'll say it: Dante makes me sick."
    • Quem: Lope de Vega, famous playwright, on being assured that the end was very near.
  • Vae, puto deus fio. (when he thought he was dying)
    • Tradução: "Dear me! I think I'm turning into a god..."
  • Imperatorem stantem mori oportet. (when he was dying)
    • Tradução: "The Emperor has to die standing."
    • Quem: Vespasiano, imperador romano
    • Source: Suetonius
    • Notes: And indeed, Vespasian was deified after his death
  • "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something."
  • "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies."
    • Quem: Voltaire (attributed), when asked by a priest to renounce Satan


  • "I am just going. Have me decently buried and do not let my body be into a vault in less than two days after I am dead. Do you understand me? ["Yes," replied Tobias Lear, his secretary.] 'Tis well."
  • "I'm all right."
  • "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go."
    • Quem: Oscar Wilde
    • Variation: "These curtains are killing me, one of us has got to go."
    • Popular variation often found in "Famous Last Words"-lists : "Either the wallpaper goes, or I do."
    • Notes: Mr. Wilde said this in the Left Bank hotel where he died on November 30 1900, the wallpaper has since been removed and the room re-furnished in the style of one of Mr. Wilde's London flats. This has sometimes been misquoted as "These curtains are killing me, one of us has got to go."
  • "Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, ayez pitié de mon âme et de ce pauvre peuple"
    • Tradução: "Meu Deus, meu Deus, tenha pena da minha alma e destas pobres pessoas."
    • Quem: William the Silent




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